

- $70 for a month

- $380 for 6 months

- $700 for 12 months


- $350 for 12 months ONLY for actively coached juniors that have been trained for more than 6 months


** Members will receive 50% discount entering the league play


We offer private lessons for all level players.  Your fee will be $60/hour.  You may email us ( to book your schedule.

In your email, please briefly describe your table tennis background such as how many years have you played; and do you have any special interest/target.  For junior, how old are you, etc.

Walk-In Play

Bring a friend or come alone and find playing partners at the club! When you arrive, sign up at a table. When your name is called, play the winner of the table. Or if tables are open, invite someone to play with you.


$15 per visit per person

Please read code of conduct first.

Code of Conduct

The following behavior is expected of all HCTTC players and guests:

  • Treat other players and supervisors with respect.
  • Respect for table tennis equipment is a must. Players may not kick,pound, or sit on the tables.
  • Do not place beverage containers or other items on tables.
  • Walk along the barriers and the perimeters to avoid disturbing the play of others and for your own safety.
  • Clean up after yourself and make sure that all garbage and recyclables are put into appropriate receptacles.
  • Treat all table tennis equipment as if it were your own.
  • Practice good sportsmanship.
  • Refrain from using offensive language.
  • Refrain from disruptive noises or gestures which may distract other players.
  • No food or drink is permitted on the courts other than water in a container with a cap or lid which must be placed on the floor only.